Table 5

Studies assessing pain severity in relation with physical activity

Study (year)Disease activityPain severityFindings
SF-36 BP (additive 0–100, norm-based mean 50, SD 10); lower score, more pain
Alexanderson et al11Inactive on stable treatmentSF-36 BP,
median (range)
88 (25–100),
VAS score (0–100)
13 (0–75)
12 weeks
SF-36 BP median (range)
51 (31–100)
VAS score (0–100)
9 (0–52)
BP only SF-36 domain that worsened after the 12 weeks exercise programme, discordance with VAS that remained stable
Alexanderson et al12Early AIM with less than 3 months of immunosuppressionMedian (range)
41 (0–84)
12 weeks
Median (range)
72 (22–100)
BP scores significantly improved after exercise programme
Mattar et al34VAS score (0–10), mean±SD
Baseline: PhGA: 2.6±1.2
12 weeks: PhGA: 1.2±0.6
12 weeks
Mean±SD 87±15
Decreased pain after exercise programme (effect size 2.52, 46% improvement in BP score; p=0.002)
Landon-Cardinal et al40VAS score (0–10), mean±SDMean±SD
All: 65±26
All (V2)*: 76±21
All (V3)*: 73±23
Pain weakly correlated with physical activity at baseline (r=0.33, p<0.05) and follow-up (r=0.21, p<0.05).
DMPhGA: 3±2
OMPhGA: 3±3
Tiffreau et al37Included in study if ongoing relapseSF-36 BP
Programme: 50±25
Control: 48±21
VAS score (0–100)
Programme: 36±37
Control: 29±25
1 year
Programme: 5±11
Control: 33±36
No significant BP score differences between groups at 3, 6 and 12 months (figures only); discordance with pain VAS showing a significant reduction in the programme group (p=0.04)
VAS; higher score, more pain
Heikkilä et al2468% stable medication for >3 months, 27% medication tapered in previous month.VAS score (0–100) Mean±SD
3 weeks
Mean change (%) −2.8 (95%CI −11.7 to 6.2)
No change in pain after exercise programme
Varjú et al27N/AVAS score (0–100)
Early recovery: 34±27
Chronic stage: 29±24
3 weeks
Early recovery: 23±24
Chronic stage: 18±16
No change in pain after training in both groups
Wallace et al396MWD (m), mean±SD
Group A: 327±92
Group B: 270±78
VAS score (0–10)
Group A: 1±2
Group B: 1±3
12 weeks
Group A: 0±3
Group B: 1±3
No change in pain after exercise programme
Rockette-Wagner et al41VAS score (0–10), mean±SD
PhGA: 3.1±2.3
VAS score (0–10)
N/AModerate negative correlation between pain and physical activity (r=−0.38 to −0.40, p<0.001)
NHP score (0–100); higher score, more pain
Chung et al20Stable patients with low disease activity per inclusion criteriaMean±SD
Creatine: 38±33
Placebo: 30±29
3 and 6 months
Results not shown but no significant difference in pain reported in between or within groups at 3 or 6 months
Alexanderson et al15Early AIM (<3 months’ duration) improving on treatment per inclusion criteriaMedian (IQR)
Programme: 20 (14-29)
Control: 0 (0–9)
24 weeks
No significant difference in pain between or within groups at 24 weeks for pain
Borg scale (0–10); higher score, more pain
Alexanderson et al14VAS score (0–10), mean±SD
Baseline: PhGA: 0.8±1
7 weeks: PhGA: 0.8±0.9
Median (range)
1.3 (0–3)
7 weeks
Median (range)
1.3 (0–3)
Comment in the Discussion section that patients with arthritis may require load adjustment to avoid increasing pain
  • *Mean±SD time between baseline and V1 was 94±12 days, and V1 and V2 was 96±17 days.

  • DM, dermatomyositis; IMNM, immune-mediated necrotising myopathy; 6MWD, 6 min walk distance; N/A, not available; NHP, Nottingham Health Profile; OM, overlap myositis; PhGA, Physician Global Assessment; PM, polymyositis; PtGA, Patient Global Assessment; SF-36 BP, 36-Item Short Form Bodily Pain; VAS, visual analogue scale.