Table 1

Characteristics of the patients with axial spondyloarthritis included in the study

Clinical parametersSpA patients
Age, years (mean±SD)40±13.3
Male, n (%)47 (77)
Smoking (current smokers), n (%)26 (43)
Disease duration, years (mean±SD)6.4±9.9
Axial disease, n (%)59 (97)
Peripheral disease, n (%)9 (15)
Enthesitis, n (%)29 (47.5)
Recurrent increased CRP (linked to the disease); n (%)33 (54)
Uveitis, n (%)18 (29.5)
IBD, n (%)0 (0)
Psoriasis, n (%)8 (13)
Familial SpA or SpA related condition, n (%)28 (46)
Biologic variables
 HLA B27-positive, n (%)48 (79)
Radiologic variables, n (%)
 mNY-SI-positive38 (62)
 MRI-SI-positive*52 (85)
Current treatments, n (%)
 NSAIDs55 (90)
 Steroids1 (1,6)
 DMARDs9 (15)†
Anti-TNF received during the study, n (%)
 Ada/Gol8 (13)/14 (23)
 Eta39 (64)
Disease activity at M0, mean±SD
 CRP (mean±SD)11.7±18.2
Disease activity at M3, mean±SD
 CRP (mean±SD)2.7±5.6
Response to treatment, n (%)
 ASDAS (R/PR/NR)10 (16)/25 (41)/26 (43)
  • *Four patients with unavailable MRI data.

  • †Methotrexate n=4; sulfasalazine n=5.

  • Ada, adalimumab; ASDAS, Ankylosing Spondylitis Disease Activity Score; CRP, C reactive protein; DMARDs, disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs; eta, etanercept; goli, golimumab; IBD, inflammatory bowel disease; mNY, modified New-York criteria; NR, non-response; NSAIDs, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs; PR, partial response; R, response; SI, sacroilitis; SpA, spondyloarthritis.