Table 4

ACR-Pedi, cJADAS-10 and ACR provisional clinical inactive disease responses with etanercept in the effectiveness cohort by complete case analysis

At 6-month follow-up N=32At 12-month follow-up N=22
ACR-Pedi Response, n (%) (number of patients with complete data)
 ACR3012 (80.0) (15)4 (80.0) (5)
 ACR5010 (66.7) (15)4 (80.0) (5)
 ACR7010 (66.7) (15)3 (60.0) (5)
 ACR907 (46.7) (15)1 (20.0) (5)
 Median (Q1, Q3) (number of patients with complete data)2.5 (0.5, 6.0) (25)210 (0, 3.0) (13)
 ≤ 1.1, n (%) (number of patients with complete data)*9 (36.0) (25)7 (53.8) (13)
 ≤ 2.5, n (%) (number of patients with complete data)*13 (52) (25)9 (69.2)12 (13)
Change in cJADAS-10, median (Q1, Q3) (number of patients with complete data)–2.8 (–6.0, –1.0) (18)–5.5 (–7.0, –2.8) (8)
Active enthesitis present, n (%) (number of patients with complete data)5 (20.9) (39)3 (10.0) (30)
ACR provisional clinical inactive disease, n (%) (number of patients with complete data)14 (51.9) (27)7 (43.8) (16)
  • N=number of patients who initiated etanercept after CARRA Registry enrolment, had a registry visit ±14 days from etanercept initiation, had uninterrupted etanercept use and had a 6-month or 12-month follow-up visit; n=number of patients with outcome. Responses could not be calculated for patients with missing observations at the baseline or a follow-up visit.

  • *Since the cJADAS-10 has not been validated for JPsA, we included cut-off values for inactive disease for oligoarthritis and polyarthritis.

  • ACR, American College of Rheumatology; ACR-Pedi Response, American College of Rheumatology-Pediatric Response; CARRA, Childhood Arthritis and Rheumatology Research Alliance; cJADAS-10, clinical Juvenile Arthritis Disease Activity Score 10-joint; JPsA, juvenile psoriatic arthritis; Q1, quartile 1; Q3, quartile 3.