Table 3

Clinical and imaging features at the PsA onset

Studies reporting the clinical features at PsA onsetStudies not reporting the clinical features at PsA onset
Peripheral arthritis (as major pattern of clinical presentation)6 studies (PsO n=1815; incident PsA=214)0
Oligoarthritis (as major pattern of clinical presentation)3 studies (PsO n=1307; incident PsA=159)0
Radiographic changes typical for PsA (as usual radiographic feature of presentation >25% of cases)3 studies (PsO n=975; incident PsA=114)0
Axial involvement (as less frequent pattern of clinical presentation)4 studies (PsO n=1382; incident PsA=163)1 study (PsO n=433; incident PsA=50)
Dactylitis (as usual clinical feature of presentation, >25% of cases)1 study (PsO n=285; incident PsA=22)4 studies (PsO n=1421; incident PsA=183)
Enthesitis (as usual clinical feature of presentation, >25% of cases)1 study (PsO n=285; incident PsA=22)4 studies (PsO n=1421; incident PsA=183)
  • PsA, psoriatic arthritis; PsO, psoriasis.