Table 1

The incidence rate of PsA development in patients with PsO

Author, yearPopulation (n=)Events (n=)Follow-upStudy typeIncidence rate (IR) per 100 patients-yearsDefinition of PsA
Faustini et al, 201610*41121.2Cohort prospective24.4Clinical diagnosis and CASPAR+
Simon et al, 20209*114242.3Cohort prospective9.7Clinical diagnosis and CASPAR+
Zabotti et al, 20198*10261.2Cohort prospective4.9Clinical diagnosis and CASPAR+
Elnady et al, 20192310992Cohort prospective4.3Clinical diagnosis and CASPAR+
Eder et al, 20177410573.8Cohort prospective3.7Clinical diagnosis and CASPAR+
Eder et al, 201615433514.1Cohort prospective2.7Clinical diagnosis and CASPAR+
Belman et al, 2021256271287.7Cohort retrospective2.7Clinical diagnosis
Acosta et al, 20222417192397.3Cohort retrospective1.9Clinical diagnosis and/or CASPAR +
Gisondi et al, 202226464516.9Cohort retrospective1.6CASPAR+
Balato et al, 20213328522Not reportedCohort retrospective/Clinical diagnosis
Abji et al, 2021224016Not applicableCase-control/CASPAR+
Green et al, 20213290 1891409Not reportedBayesian network/PsA code and GP evaluation
  • The IRs subdivided for the presence of arthralgia were as follows: Faustini, 2016: PsO without arthralgia=IR 17.4 (5.6–40.5]; PsO with arthralgia=IR 34.3 (13.8–70.7); Zabotti, 2019: PsO without arthralgia=IR 1.34 (0.0–7.5); PsO with arthralgia=IR 10.9 (3.5–25.4); Simon, 2020: PsO without arthralgia=IR 5.9 (2.4–12.2); PsO with arthralgia=IR 12.5 (6.2–22.4).

  • *Studies including patients with PsO with arthralgia.

  • IR, incidence rate; PsA, psoriatic arthritis; PsO, psoriasis.