Table 2

Baseline characteristics of patients with ICI-IA and of ICI-treated controls without arthritis with available HLA DRB1 testing

ICI-IA (NY, n=45)ICI-IA (IL, n=20)ICI-IA pooled (NY+IL, n=65)ICI controls (IL, n=119)P value (pooled vs controls)
Age in years, mean (SD)69.8 (11.9)61.0 (11.6)67.1 (11.8)63.7 (13.5)0.1
Female sex, n (%)9 (20)10 (50)19 (29)32 (27)0.7
Cancer type, n (%)p=0.004
Melanoma9 (20)10 (50)19 (29)59 (50)
NSCLC8 (18)1 (5)9 (14)3 (3)
Urothelial/RCC16 (36)1 (5)17 (26)25 (21)
Other12 (26)8 (40)20 (31)32 (27)
ICI regimen, n (%)0.4
PD-1/PD-L133 (73)13 (65)46 (71)74 (62)
CTLA-40 (0)0 (0)0 (0)3 (3)
Combination12 (27)7 (35)19 (29)41 (35)
Current/past smoker, n (%)26 (58)11 (50)37 (60)69 (58)0.9
CCP positivity, n (%)5 (11)2 (10)7 (11)----
SE positivity, n (%)19 (42)9 (45)28 (43)55 (46)0.8
Homozygous, n (%)5 (11)3 (15)8 (12)9 (8)0.4
  • .CCP, cyclic citrullinated peptide; ICI-IA, immune checkpoint inhibitor inflammatory arthritis; IL, Illinois; NSCLC, non-small cell lung cancer; NY, New York; RCC, renal cell carcinoma; SE, shared epitope.