Table 2

The risk of outcomes

OutcomesPatients with outcomeHR
(95% CI)*
Patients with outcomeHR
(95% CI)*
Disease incidence
 COVID-192642901.058 (0.895 to 1.250)981011.028 (0.779 to 1.358)
Medical utilisation
 Hospitalisation2612441.194 (1.003 to 1.423)103891.296 (0.976 to 1.721)
 Critical care services69631.237 (0.878 to 1.742)20240.862 (0.476 to 1.560)
 Mechanical ventilation36301.373 (0.844 to 2.232)11101.154 (0.490 to 2.718)
 Deceased87691.440 (1.049 to 1.976)30380.835 (0.517 to 1.348)
 Adverse outcomes†2922641.242 (1.051 to 1.468)1111031.209 (0.924 to 1.581)
  • Note: If the patient number is less than or equal to 10, the results show the count as 10.

  • Bold font indicates statistical significance.

  • *Patients in each cohort after propensity score matching performed on age at index, sex, race, socioeconomic status, lifestyles, comorbidities, medical utilisation, COVID-19 vaccination and medication usage.

  • †Including hospitalisation, critical care services, mechanical ventilation, or deceased.

  • IL-6i, interleukin 6 inhibitors; JAKi, Janus-associated kinase inhibitors; TNFi, tumour necrosis factor alpha inhibitors.