Table 3

Treatments of patients with autoimmune disease at the time of diagnosis of the invasive fungal disease (IFD)

TreatmentsPneumocystis pneumonia (227)Fungemia (167)Invasive aspergillosis (84)Other IFD (58)Multiple IFD (13)Total (549)P value*
Glucocorticoids178 (78.4)89 (53.3)49 (58.3)41 (70.7)8 (62)365 (66.5)<0.001
 High dose†125 (55.1)63 (37.7)36 (42.9)25 (43.1)5 (38)254 (46.3)0.002
 Median daily dose (IQR)‡22.5 (10–45)25 (10–40)35 (10–60)15 (10–37.5)20 (5–60)20 (10–45)0.77
Immunosuppressant§135 (59.5)67 (40.1)50 (59.5)27 (46.6)6 (46)285 (51.9)<0.001
 Methotrexate82 (36.1)15 (9.0)6 (7.1)10 (17.2)1 (8)114 (20.8)
 Azathioprine16 (7.0)11 (6.6)5 (6.0)4 (6.9)1 (8)37 (6.7)
 Cyclophosphamide14 (6.2)2 (1.2)8 (9.5)3 (5.2)027 (4.9)
 Mycophenolate5 (2.2)5 (3.0)8 (9.5)3 (5.2)1 (8)22 (4.0)
 Other18 (7.9)34 (20.4)24 (28.6)9 (15.5)3 (23)88 (16.0)
TNF-α blocker¶14 (6.2)11 (6.6)11 (13.1)5 (8.6)1 (8)42 (7.7)0.10
 Infliximab4 (1.8)4 (2.4)3 (3.6)3 (5.2)1 (8)15 (2.7)
 Adalimumab3 (1.3)4 (2.4)4 (4.8)1 (1.7)012 (2.2)
 Other2 (0.9)2 (1.2)1 (1.2)1 (1.7)06 (1.1)
Other biologic33 (14.5)20 (12.0)16 (19.1)4 (6.9)2 (15)75 (13.7)0.32
 Rituximab26 (11.5)9 (5.4)9 (10.7)1 (1.7)1 (8)46 (8.4)
Chemotherapy**1 (0.4)9 (5.4)12 (14.3)1 (1.7)2 (15)25 (4.6)<0.001
None of the above18 (7.9)41 (24.6)7 (8.3)8 (13.8)1 (8)75 (13.7)<0.001
  • Results are presented as n (%).

  • *P value: test applied to the three main IFD categories (Pneumocystis pneumonia, fungemia, invasive aspergillosis).

  • †High-dose: over 0.3 mg/kg/day prednisone-equivalent dose for at least month.

  • ‡Prednisone-equivalent dose among those on GCs, missing data for the detailed dose: 88/365 (24.1%).

  • §35 patients had a combination of at least two immunosuppressants (including 1 patient with invasive aspergillosis, on azathioprine and mycophenolate, and 2 patients with another IFD, on azathioprine combined respectively with methotrexate and cyclophosphamide; they are included in the totals for each immunosuppressive agent).

  • ¶Missing detail on type of TNF-α blocker in 9 patients.

  • **For patients with a solid cancer or a haematological malignancy in addition to the AID.

  • AID, autoimmune diseases; GC, glucocorticoids; TNF-α, Tumor necrosis factor alpha.