Table 1

Demographic characteristics and vaccination status of all study patients, and those with and without severe COVID-19

All patients with SLE with COVID-19Severe COVID-19No severe COVID-19P value
Age,* mean (SD)45.9 (12.1)48.6 (13.2)45.3 (11.8)<0.001
Age, N (%)
 18–34542 (18.8%)90 (18.0%)452 (18.9%)<0.001
 35–44724 (25.1%)88 (17.6%)636 (26.6%)
 45–54876 (30.3%)142 (28.4%)734 (30.7%)
 55–64645 (22.3%)143 (28.6%)502 (21.0%)
 65–7463 (2.2%)23 (4.6%)40 (1.7%)
 75+40 (1.4%)14 (2.8%)26 (1.1%)
Sex, N (%)
 Male208 (7.2%)60 (12.0%)148 (6.2%)<0.001
 Female2682 (92.8%)440 (88.0%)2242 (93.8%)
Payer, N, (%)
 Commercial1974 (68.3%)243 (48.6%)1731 (72.4%)<0.001
 Medicare93 (3.2%)31 (6.2%)62 (2.6%)
 Medicaid823 (28.5%)226 (45.2%)597 (25.0%)
 Urban residence, N (%)2459 (85.1%)422 (84.4%)2037 (85.2%)0.636
US region,† N (%)
 Northeast381 (18.4%)47 (17.2%)334 (18.6%)0.179
 Midwest353 (17.1%)61 (22.3%)292 (16.3%)
 South1137 (55.0%)140 (51.1%)997 (55.6%)
 West/unknown196 (9.4%)26 (9.5%)170 (9.5%)
Race/ethnicity,‡ N (%)
 White272 (33.0%)51 (22.6%)221 (37.0%)0.001
 Black360 (43.7%)121 (53.5%)239 (40.0%)
 Hispanic68 (8.3%)21 (9.3%)47 (7.9%)
 Other/unknown123 (14.9%)33 (14.6%)90 (15.1%)
Evidence of vaccination,§ N (%)
 Yes1016 (35.2%)128 (25.6%)888 (37.2%)<0.001
 No1874 (64.8%)372 (74.4%)1502 (62.8%)
  • *All demographic characteristics assessed on 1 April 2020.

  • †Region available for patients in the Commercial/Medicare database.

  • ‡Race/ethnicity available for patients in the Medicaid database.

  • §Evidence of vaccination assessed during patients’ full variable-length follow-up period (1 April 2020 to earliest of death, end of database enrolment, 31 December 2021 (Commercial/Medicare), or 30 June 2021 (Medicaid)).

  • SLE, systemic lupus erythematosus.