Table 1

Baseline data

All patients
Patients with no courses of antibiotics* n=219Patients with >1 courses of antibiotics but no infection-related admissions* n=530Patients with ≥1 infection-related admissions* n=75
Age (years)†59.1 (13.7)58.1 (12.9)59.1 (13.9)62.0 (14.7)
 Male299 (36.3)86 (39.3)177 (33.4)36 (48.0)
 Female525 (63.7)133 (60.7)353 (66.6)39 (52.0)
Smoking status
 Current or previous505 (61.4)123 (56.4)334 (63.1)48 (64.0)
 Never smoked317 (38.6)95 (43.6)195 (36.9)27 (36.0)
Symptom duration (days)‡131 (82–197)132 (92.5–198)131 (80–197.8)126 (73–185)
DAS28-CRP†4.8 (1.3)4.7 (1.4)4.8 (1.3)5.1 (1.3)
HAQ score† (0–3)1.2 (0.8)1.1 (0.8)1.3 (0.8)1.4 (0.8)
CCP (% positive)412 (61.3)108 (60.0)270 (61.4)34 (65.4)
RF (% positive)289 (58.3)74 (56.5)193 (59.8)22 (52.4)
  • Data are n (%) unless otherwise stated.

  • *At any stage during the pre-RA or early arthritis stage.

  • †Mean (SD).

  • ‡Median (IQR).

  • CCP, anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide antibodies; DAS28-CRP, 28 Joint Count Disease Activity Score; HAQ, Health Assessment Questionnaire; RA, rheumatoid arthritis ; RF, rheumatoid factor.