Lacuna | Recommendation | Whom it concerns |
I. The quality of RPM is not easily assessed due to lack of knowledge and/or unclarity on the technology, legal aspects and scientific validity of the tools. The role of RPM in clinical rheumatology practice is addressed in the 2022 EULAR PTC.10 | Develop quality standards regarding the legal, technical, medical and ethical requirements for RPM tools (in rheumatology). These should entail requirements and recommendations about certification, documentation, maintenance, interoperability and scientific validation. | For example, EULAR task force European Commission. |
II. There is no clear overview of the available digital medical devices. | Build a central database of existing (MDR certified) RPM (rheumatology) tools that are available and a central library of successful use cases. Integrate and interaction with the emerging EUDAMED database should be ensured. | EULAR European commission. |
III. Reimbursement is uncertain. | Actively advocate proper reimbursement for RPM tools and the associated physician work. Support validation studies to show economical benefit. | EULAR advocacy group Politics and Regulation. |
IV. EPD systems provide no or limited integration of external RPM tools. | Negotiate and collaborate with EPD software companies to support integration of RPM tools from different software companies. Make interoperability a relevant aspect of certification and the reimbursement process. | EULAR advocacy group Politics and Regulation. |
V. Digital literacy limits optimal RPM usage by patients and healthcare professionals. | Provide courses to improve digital literacy of patients and healthcare providers to prevent health disparities. | Patient and health professional organisations Medical Schools and CME providers Politics and Regulation. |
EPR, Electronic Patient Record; EUDAMED, European database on medical devices; EULAR, European Alliance of Associations for Rheumatology; MDR, Medical Device Regulation; PTC, Point to Consider; RPM, remote patient monitoring.