Table 2

Recommendations for optimisation of RPM implementation in rheumatology practices based on identified lacunas

LacunaRecommendationWhom it concerns
I. The quality of RPM is not easily assessed due to lack of knowledge and/or unclarity on the technology, legal aspects and scientific validity of the tools.
The role of RPM in clinical rheumatology practice is addressed in the 2022 EULAR PTC.10
Develop quality standards regarding the legal, technical, medical and ethical requirements for RPM tools (in rheumatology). These should entail requirements and recommendations about certification, documentation, maintenance, interoperability and scientific validation.For example, EULAR task force
European Commission.
II. There is no clear overview of the available digital medical devices.Build a central database of existing (MDR certified) RPM (rheumatology) tools that are available and a central library of successful use cases. Integrate and interaction with the emerging EUDAMED database should be ensured.EULAR
European commission.
III. Reimbursement is uncertain.Actively advocate proper reimbursement for RPM tools and the associated physician work.
Support validation studies to show economical benefit.
EULAR advocacy group
Politics and Regulation.
IV. EPD systems provide no or limited integration of external RPM tools.Negotiate and collaborate with EPD software companies to support integration of RPM tools from different software companies. Make interoperability a relevant aspect of certification and the reimbursement process.EULAR advocacy group
Politics and Regulation.
V. Digital literacy limits optimal RPM usage by patients and healthcare professionals.Provide courses to improve digital literacy of patients and healthcare providers to prevent health disparities.Patient and health professional organisations
Medical Schools and CME providers Politics and Regulation.
  • EPR, Electronic Patient Record; EUDAMED, European database on medical devices; EULAR, European Alliance of Associations for Rheumatology; MDR, Medical Device Regulation; PTC, Point to Consider; RPM, remote patient monitoring.