Table 1

Baseline demographic, clinical, MRI and treatment response characteristics of the cluster-analyses based ECM endotypes

All (n=135)Endotype1
P value
Demographic feature
 Age, years36.3 (10.1)34.6 (8.7)38.4 (11.7)35.2 (9.0)0.338
 Male sex, no. (%)78 (57.8%)20 (48.8%)34 (64.2%)24 (58.5%)0.324
 HLA-B27, positive, no. (%)110 (81.5%)33 (80.5%)42 (79.2%)35 (85.4%)0.736
 Symptom duration, years10.7 (8.8)10.3 (7.4)10.4 (9.9)11.4 (9.0)0.693
 CRP, mg/L13.3 (18.3)26.4 (17.4)5.6 (15.2)10.3 (16.0)< 0.001*†
 CRP≥3 mg/L85 (63.0%)40 (97.6%)19 (35.8%)26 (63.4%)< 0.001*†‡
Clinical examination
 BASDAI (0–10)5.5 (2.0)6.0 (2.0)5.6 (2.1)5.0 (1.8)0.074*‡
 ASDAS3.4 (0.8)4.2 (0.6)3.0 (0.6)3.1 (0.5)< 0.001*‡
 BASFI (0–10)4.2 (2.3)5.0 (2.2)4.0 (2.2)3.5 (2.1)0.017
 BASMI (0–10)2.3 (2.1)2.6 (2.3)2.2 (2.0)2.0 (1.9)0.481
 Tender joint count 0–28, no. (%) ≥129 (21.5%)9 (22.0%)11 (20.8%)9 (22.0%)0.986
 Swollen joint count 0–28, no. (%) ≥111 (8.1%)6 (14.6%)4 (7.5%)1 (2.4%)0.128
MRI inflammation and structural damage
 SPARCC SIJ inflammation score (0–48)8.7 (10.0)10.2 (11.5)7.9 (8.5)8.3 (10.1)0.759
 SPARCC SSS fat lesion score (0–40)11.5 (12.6)12.6 (14.9)11.4 (12.2)10.4 (10.5)0.986
 SPARCC SSS erosion score (0–20)3.5 (4.2)3.1 (4.3)3.4 (4.0)4.0 (4.4)0.435
 SPARCC SSS backfill score (0–20)3.8 (5.1)4.3 (5.7)4.0 (5.1)3.1 (4.5)0.747
 SPARCC SSS ankylosis score (0–20)4.6 (7.0)6.5 (8.0)2.8 (5.5)5.2 (7.3)0.03 *
 SPARCC SIJ inflammation score≥2, no (%)89 (66.4%)29 (70.7%)35 (67.3%)25 (61.0%)0.636
 SPARCC SSS fat lesion score≥2, no (%)98 (73.1%)28 (68.3%)40 (76.9%)30 (73.2%)0.648
 SPARCC SSS erosion score≥2, no (%)72 (53.7%)20 (48.8%)28 (53.8%)24 (58.5%)0.675
 SPARCC SSS backfill score≥2, no (%)65 (48.5%)20 (48.8%)27 (51.9%)18 (43.9%)0.744
 SPARCC SSS ankylosis score≥2, no (%)51 (38.1%)20 (48.8%)14 (26.9%)17 (41.5%)0.085
Treatment response§n=94n=27n=39n=28
 BASDAI50 responders, no (%)65 (70.7%)21 (77.8%)21 (56.8%)23 (82.1%)0.053
 ASDAS no improvement19 (22.4%)2 (8.0%)11 (33.3%)6 (22.2%)0.072*
 ASDAS clinical important improvement28 (32.9%)5 (20.0%)13 (39.4%)10 (37.0%)0.256
 ASDAS major improvement38 (44.7%)18 (72.0%)9 (27.3%)11 (40.7%)0.003*
Biomarker levels
 C1M (ng/mL)92.3 (89.3)159.3 (84.)49.6 (56.9)80.3 (90.2)
 CPa9-HNE (ng/mL)100.2 (53.6)143.8 (57.)78.7 (34.6)84.5 (44.1)
 VICM (ng/mL)5.3 (4.4)8.2 (5.8)3.9 (3.0)4.0 (2.5)
 CRPM (ng/mL)12.6 (9.2)16.1 (15.3)10.3 (3.0)12.2 (4.1)
 PRO-C2 (ng/mL)20.9 (10.4)18.8 (6.5)14.9 (5.2)30.9 (11.5)
  • Except where indicated otherwise, mean±SD is presented. Mann-Whitney and χ2 test was used to compare differences between the clusters. Inter-group comparisons were conducted among endotypes, and statistical significance is indicated as follows:

  • *p<0.05 for comparisons between Endotype1 and Endotype2.

  • †p<0.05 for Endotype2 versus Endotype3.

  • ‡p<0.05 for Endotype1 versus Endotype3.

  • §Analyses of treatment response were based on patients from ASIM and DANISH only.

  • ASDAS, Ankylosing Spondylitis Disease Activity Score; BASDAI, Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Disease Activity Index; BASFI, Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Functional Index; BASMI, Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Metrology Index; CRP, C reactive protein; HLA, human leucocyte antigen; SIJ, sacroiliac joint; SPARCC, Spondyloarthritis Research Consortium of Canada; SSS, SI joint structural lesion score.