Table 1

Patient characteristics of the included studies

StudyPatients (n)GPA n (%)MPA n (%)EGPA n (%)PR3+ n (%)MPO+ n (%)Age (years*)Sex (male/female) (n)
Watanabe et al1127134 (12.5)183 (67.5)15 (5.5)0271 (100)73 (65–78)106/165
Bunch et al125418 (33.3)†18 (33.3)†023 (42.6)20 (37.0)Active: 58 (48–68)
Remission: 58 (38–66)
Matsumoto et al132913 (44.8)16 (55.2)07 (24.1)21 (72.4)70 (57–79)13/16
Chen et al148214 (17.1)68 (82.9)0082 (100)60±1341/41
Gou et al15100‡NRNRNR0100 (100)Active: 55±36
Remission: 59±15
Active: 29/37
Remission: 21/33
Grayson et al1611287 (77.7)25 (22.3)078 (69.6)34 (30.4)Non-responder: 51±15 Responder: 52±1853/59
Yanaoka et al172623 (88.5)3 (11.5)08 (30.8)18 (69.2)68 (58–75)7/19
Monach et al18186139 (74.7)46 (24.7)0124 (66.7)62 (33.3)52 (44–66)91/95
Monach et al197457 (77.0)16 (21.6)054 (73.0)20 (27.0)51 (40–63)33/41
Ahn et al206017 (28.3)32 (53.3)11 (18.3)7 (11.7)§37 (61.7)§59±1420/40
Yoon et al215918 (30.5)30 (50.8)11 (18.6)7 (11.9)35 (59.3)60±1421/38
Sun et al2232NRNRNR2 (6.3)30 (93.8)59±1213/19
Kambas et al231711 (64.7)6 (35.3)09 (52.9)8 (47.1)58±125/12
Aendekerk et al249555 (57.9)37 (38.9)3 (3.2)45 (47.4)§47 (49.5)§NR62/33
O’Reilly et al, inception25177¶101 (57.1)54 (30.5)12 (6.8)NRNR64 (range 21–90)87/90
O’Reilly et al, validation 125155¶94 (60.6)49 (31.6)6 (3.9)NRNR60 (range 17–95)97/58
O’Reilly et al, validation 225133**57 (42.9)59 (44.4)8 (6.0)NRNR60 (range 18–91)80/53
O’Reilly et al, Ext. validation253928 (71.8)11 (28.2)0NRNR59 (range 31–82)16/23
Dekkema et al26154NRNRNR93 (60.4)61 (39.6)Inception: 58 (47–67)
Validation: 61 (48–74)
Wu et al27256††
 Active173NRNRNR11 (6.4)162 (93.6)59±1466/107
 Remission143NRNRNR4 (2.8)53 (37.1)60±1261/82
Gou et al2829NRNRNR029 (100)58±1512/17
Sonnemann et al298753 (60.9)34 (39.1)048 (55.2)39 (44.8)57 (48–64)‡‡
44 (38–51)§§
63 (55–71)¶¶
67 (56–73)***
50 (44–58)†††
64 (52–68)‡‡‡
Sparding et al3047NRNRNR21 (44.7)23 (48.9)62 (55–69)28/19
Matsuda et al3149049 (100)03 (6.1)§§§48 (98.0)§§§ILD: 71 (68–77)
No ILD: 76 (71–82)
Wu et al3239NRNRNR039 (100)58±100¶¶¶
  • *Median (IQR) or mean±SD.

  • †Seven renal limited patients.

  • ‡Twenty patients had both active and remission samples.

  • §One patient MPO-ANCA and PR3-ANCA positive.

  • ¶Three anti-GBM disease patients were included.

  • **Five anti-GBM disease patients were included.

  • ††Sixty patients had samples at both active disease stage and remission.

  • ‡‡Active renal disease, inception cohort.

  • §§Active non-renal disease, inception cohort.

  • ¶¶Remission, inception cohort.

  • ***Active renal disease, validation cohort.

  • †††Active non-renal disease, validation cohort.

  • ‡‡‡Remission, validation cohort.

  • §§§Two patients MPO-ANCA and PR3-ANCA positive.

  • ¶¶¶Group of patients without kidney dysfunction .

  • ****Group of patients who did not need dialysis.

  • ††††Group of patients requiring dialysis.

  • ANCA, anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody ; EGPA, eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis; Ext., external; GPA, granulomatosis with polyangiitis; ILD, interstitial lung disease; MPA, microscopic polyangiitis; MPO, myeloperoxidase; n, number; NR, not reported; PR3, roteinase 3.